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Saturday 23 March 2013

Free Zeitgeist

As the Eurozone undergoes another trial by stupidity and markets edge ever higher in the face of uncertainty and confusion, my publisher has kindly put The Zeitgeist Investor on free offer for the weekend.  If any Kindle owners out there haven't already picked up a copy now is the time to do so. Because, of course, there's nothing new in the markets, it's just that we don't live long enough to remember.

Read More >> The Zeitgeist Investor


  1. Thank you. Very nice reading. I got a free copy of Zeitgeist about three months ago from Amazon.

  2. Thank you for your kind and possibly uncapitalist offer. I have just started reading it and find it uncommonly clear and intelligent - a wonderful combination.

  3. Thank you for for this! Hope this is just a teaser for your new book :) Looking forward to it.
